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Our Philosophy

Early childhood education is a special kind of education in that teaching (and therefore learning) involves the whole child.  In the upper grades, we teach various subjects to the child.  In early childhood education, we teach the whole child.  A single concept is taught in the form of artwork, movement, music, language, etc.  This age is not ready for formal learning; rather they are ready for learning through their senses - utilizing play experiences and manipulating materials to foster a desire for learning.

Early childhood professionals know that play is the natural medium used by young children to consolidate every kind of learning.  While children play, they put their ideas in action.  They learn to communicate effectively.  They discover how to get along with other children.  They make things happen and enjoy a sense of mastery.  Play fosters the ability to focus attention and concentrate for long periods of time.  It provides opportunities for children to work out their feelings in acceptable ways.  It fosters imagination and encourages them to generate creative ideas.

Learning must be based on actual experiences and participation.  This is play in a preschooler’s world.  Play is the lifeblood of childhood.  Within play, children are offered the ability to translate experience into something internally meaningful to them.  Play becomes the child’s work.  Children use play to represent reality.  They engage in self-directed, problem-solving activities that foster their “whole-self” development.  The play in our classrooms is purposeful and directed.  Each of our learning centers provides activities aimed at specific developmental achievement.